Lukas' home for now...

Friday, April 18, 2008


What a way to wake up at 4:37 in the morning!!!!! The bed was shaking so much I didn't know what was happening. I jumped up, ran to Mari's bedroom (she didn't budge), ran back out and nearly collided with Don in the hallway. It was absolutely crazy. The first thought I had was that this is an earthquake. It's not like we have them here on a regular basis, but still it was weird!! It felt like someone was picking up the end of the bed and shaking it! It ended up lasting for about a minute and a half. The news reported that it was a 5.4 and originalted about 120 miles east of us and lasted about 1-2 minutes. No known damage here to report, but there was some in St. Louis (we are just about 8 miles across the river from there).

We are all safe and sound, but it does provide this little town with something to talk about for awhile!!!!


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